Only 10% of Companies Have Email Opt-in on Their Facebook Pages

According to a white paper from Silverpop, only one out of 10 companies have an opt-in for email on their Facebook pages, and even fewer companies utilize SMS to increase their email subscriptions.

“Silverpop Mocial Survey: How Companies Are Using Social, Mobile, Local and Email” takes a look at how companies are using various “mocial” (” in

which mobile, social and local forms of communication mix and mingle with email in new and unexpected ways”) channels. The company polled more than 500 online marketers about their use of social, email, mobile and local forms of communication.

One of the more notable findings was that just 10 percent of companies have email opt-in on their Facebook pages, while 38 percent have plans to add this feature, 22 percent have no plans to add it and 30 percent responded “N/A.”

“If you have a Facebook page, for example, make sure to place an email opt-in link/form there, following the same best practices you would elsewhere, such as not forcing new subscribers to fill out a detailed form right at the start,” Silverpop recommends.

The white paper also notes that just 4 percent of companies offer email opt-in with SMS, while 13 percent have plans to offer this feature, 36 percent have no plans to add it and 47 percent responded “N/A.”

Silverpop also found that 33 percent of respondents have a mobile app, while 33 percent don’t. Seventeen percent said they plan to launch one in 2011, while 13 percent said they plan to launch one in 2012.

“While marketers adding this powerful tool to their communication arsenal will likely gain an edge on the competition, they would be wise to pair mobile applications with an email welcome program that provides tips on getting the most out of their respective apps,” according to Silverpop. “With industry research indicating that one in four apps is only used once, this would help ensure that downloaders stay engaged with your brand.”

Check-ins are not as alluring to marketers, as Silverpop found that just 2 percent are currently implementing local check-in campaigns, while 74 percent do not. Just 6 percent plans to implement one and 18 percent don’t know.

Meanwhile, 65 percent of respondents said their marketing programs across email, social and mobile are “somewhat integrated,” while 17 percent said they’re “tightly integrated,” 12 percent said they’re “not at all integrated” and 6 percent responded “N/A.”

Half of all respondents are measuring follower growth for one or more social channels, while 36 percent are measuring engagement, 28 percent are measuring frequency/reach, 18 percent are measuring sentiment and 3 percent are measuring other metrics.
