Online Video Ads Work Better Than, Enhance TV Ads

According to Nielsen, online video ads perform better than TV ads on all four major metrics, but that doesn’t mean that advertisers should ditch the traditional small-screen format altogether.

“Evaluating 238 brands encompassing 412 products in 951 ad executions in streaming full-episode TV programs, Nielsen IAG used the key brand impact metrics of ad recall, brand recall, message recall and likeability to determine the effectiveness of ads,” the company notes on its blog. “More than 14,000 surveys were conducted.”

The findings were unequivocally favorable for premium online video:

  • For general recall, online video scored a 66, compared to TV’s score of 46;
  • For brand recall, online video scored a 50, compared to TV’s 28;
  • For message recall, online video scored a 39, compared to TV’s 21;
  • For likeability, online video scored a 26, compared to TV’s 14.

Nielsen summed up the findings by saying that “video ads run during online full-episode TV programs yield deeper brand impact than corresponding on-air TV ads, with the difference most pronounced among younger viewers age 13-34.”

The company points to three major reasons for online video’s favorable results: Web video viewers are more engaged and attentive, thanks to the viewing environment and the need to click your most to start and end content; the relative, lingering novelty of the online video medium; and reduced ad clutter and the inability to easily skip ads.

But for advertisers who only have ads created specifically for TVs, there’s good news: there’s little need to go off and create totally new campaigns just for online videos. TV ads that are repurposed for the smaller screen outperformed original ads for online videos and flash animations/interactives for general recall, message linkage and likeability linkage, according to Nielsen. The only exception was for brand linkage, where flash animations/interactives (78 percent) outdid repurposed TV ads (76 percent).

As expected, the one-two combination of TV ads and online video ads brought the greatest lift for all four metrics. Message recall (+53 percent) benefited the most, followed by brand recall (+35 percent), likeability (+31 percent) and general recall (+18 percent).

“It appears that leveraging the large reach of TV in combination with the standalone impact and amplifying effect of online video makes for a successful marketing strategy,” said Dave Kaplan, senior vice president of product leadership at Nielsen IAG.
