New Year’s Resolutions and Recommendations for Online Marketers in 2013

The onslaught of Christmas music has relented, TBS is no longer running “A Christmas Story,” and happy teenagers are showing off their new iPads and iPhones at the local Starbucks during normal school hours.

New Year's resolutions

Yes, the 2012 holiday season is winding down and it’s time for people to engage in those inner debates about whether the third time trying a new gym membership is, indeed, a charm.

For marketers, this time of year means tying up loose ends and planning for 2013. To that end, we’ve gathered some New Year’s resolutions and suggestions from various experts in the industry.

Lindsay Mahoney, director of marketing communications at Silverpop:
“In 2013, my goal is to further enhance our lead-nurturing efforts by continuing to focus on the life of a lead, developing nurture tracks that match up with even more specific buyer paths so we continue to deliver incredibly relevant content based on a prospect’s individual behaviors and interests. To that end, I’m looking forward to taking a close look at every lead that’s closed and really digging into the individual buyer paths. Hopefully we can even get to the point of predicting next moves and stages for future prospects.”

Thomas Murphy, director of enterprise marketing and client relations at TheLadders:
“In 2013, we resolve to implement a more manageable way to deliver tailored content in a B2B environment. The challenge of optimizing content via online marketing is that consumers have varying needs and digest information differently and personally. However, by developing bespoke and effective messages, marketing evolves from a generic sales-pitch to informative and helpful.”

Peter Klein, senior vice president of media services at