MarketsOnDemand Launches Lifestage Files

MarketsOnDemand, Chicago, has launched five new consumer life-stage lists.

The new lists are: Affluent Consumers, Families with Infants, Direct Mail Buyers, Parents and Senior Citizens. Each list is derived from CoreBase, the company’s database of Internet-derived, opt-in consumer data.

The Affluent Consumers List features individuals who live in a household with an income in excess of $100,000; the Families with Infants file lists parents of children from newborns to three-year-olds; the Direct Mail Buyers have purchased items from direct mail campaigns; The Parents list includes individuals with children up to 18 years old; and the Senior file features names age 65 and older.

Selects include state, SCF, area and ZIP code, gender, marital status, household income, exact age, presence of children and homeowners. Seven, 14 and 30-day hotlines are also available. For information, call 866-946-4646.