Live from the Motivation Show 2003: AEIS Launches Two Recognition Programs

American Express Incentive Services debuted two new programs here, expanding its reward and recognition toolkit. Both the KUDOkit and Recognition eCards allow managers to “build a recognition culture,” said AEIS spokesperson Bridget Westhoff.

The KUDOkit recongizes and
rewards good work.

The KUDOkit includes a gift card packaged in a plastic compact with a voice chip, onto which managers can record an encouraging or congratulatory message. The cards can be loaded with spending credits in any amount. The compacts are prepackaged in kits of ten; for larger orders, AEIS will pre-record the chip message and customize the packaging.

The other AEIS launch, the Recognition eCard, is a free service for visitors to The site now offers a variety of electronic cards with such themes as “teamwork,” “leadership,” “thank you” and “congratulations.” Senders can personalize the cards, then send via email.

“We hope to make it easier for businesses to incorporate rewards and recognition into their culture, and ultimately help them to motivate their teams to achieve their business goals, ” said Darryl Hutson, CEO of St. Louis-based AEIS, in a statement.