Amacai Information Corp. has made its business and consumer lists available to the public. Under the terms of the deal, which was inked last Thursday, Fairlawn, NJ-based ClientLogic will bring the lists to market.
Amacai’s files, which include information on more than 167 million consumers, 113 million households and 15 million businesses, start at $50 per thousand names.
ClientLogic is also offering a “New Business Starts” file of nearly 1.9 million firms that have come into being during the last 12 months. The cost per thousand names of that file starts at $80.
Both the business and consumer files feature a variety of selects, including business and consumer demographics. Selection charges range form $2.50 to $15 per thousand names.
Chicago-based Amacai compiles its information from a variety of yellow and white pages, as well as data supplied by telecommunications companies. Amacai is a subsidiary of Targusinfo.