Live From DMD New York: Wientzen Urges Members to Push Postal Reform, Recycling

Direct marketers should stay informed about and vocal in their support of legislative issues that directly affect them, especially postal reform and the environment.

So said H. Robert Wientzen, president of the Direct Marketing Association at the DMD conference in New York Tuesday.

Winze, who retires at the end of this month, asked conference delegates to contact their members of Congress “to let them know what postal reform will mean for your postal budget, your bottom line, your employees, your customers, and to you.”

He also urged direct marketers to assess the impact their businesses have on the environment. This includes procuring from certified, sustainably managed forests; and using more recycled-content paper, when appropriate.

To that end, The DMA is launching RecyclePlease, a new program with two key elements: a Web site with information on local recycling and a Recycle Please logo that direct marketers can affix to their catalogs, direct mail, and other recyclable, paper-based materials.