* F+W Media List Portfolio
* CTOTimes.com
* All You Magazine Enhanced
* Hispanic Investors Report
* Italian Cooking & Living
* Faith-Base Mature Market File
* Buyers of Sweeps Reports/Record Authorization Center
* Canadian Insurance
F+W Media List Portfolio
MeritDirect will manage the entire list portfolio of F+W Media Inc., effective Oct. 1. The appointment adds five additional master files and 23 other separate subscription files to F+W files already managed by MeritDirect. These include master files identifying collectors and book buyers, offering 212,900 and 48,300 buyers respectively. Some of the larger individual list titles include Gun Digest, Deer & Deer Hunting and Antique Trader Weekly Magazine. ALC Data has been managing these files.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, renewal, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M to $125/M
Contact: MeritDirect, Danielle Zaborski (914-368-1090; [email protected])
Worldata oversees postal and e-mail master files for CTOTimes.com, with 67,219 and 76,388 records respectively. Those listed include chief technology officers and other senior level information technology executives.
Selections: Company size/revenue, number of employees, operating systems, purchasing authority/product, recency, SIC code, job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M (postal file); $275/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson (561-393-8200, ext. 176; [email protected])
All You Magazine Enhanced
Millard Group Inc. has unveiled an enhanced version of the All You magazine subscription file. This women’s title has 404,796 subscribers. Data from Equifax has been overlaid to offer hundreds of demographic and lifestyle selections. No telemarketing is allowed. Sources include direct mail, insert cards, agents and the Internet.
Selections: Hotlines, age, income, gender, lifestyle, source, households with children, homeowners, mail order buyers, gardening, health and fitness, pet owners, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Jennifer Kelley (603-924-9262, ext. 2120;
[email protected])
Hispanic Investors Report
Listdata Management Services Inc. introduced a list of 53,407 subscribers to the Hispanic Investors Report. These individuals purchased newsletters or other financial services products. The unit of sale ranged fro $40 to $500. The sources are direct mail (60%), space advertising (20%) and the Internet (20%).
Selections: Age, gender, hotlines, income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., Marlene Scarlett (863-248-0854; [email protected])
Italian Cooking & Living
Specialists Marketing Services Inc. rents a list of 15,000 active paid subscribers to Italian Cooking & Living. About 85% of these magazine subscribers are women. An average subscriber is 40 years old and has a $50,000 or better income.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., Michael Berger (201-797-7566, ext. 2203; [email protected])
Faith-Base Mature Market File
Trinity Direct has assembled this list of direct mail buyers, donors and readers. Counts for these segments range from 331,544 to 549,588 from the last six months. The file includes donors to children’s, health, veteran’s, political, environmental, animal and cultural causes. Buyers and subscribers purchased books, magazines and other devotional products are named as well.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, recency, mail order buyer, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Trinity Direct, Bob Stein (973-283-3600; [email protected])
Buyers of Sweeps Reports/Record Authorization Center
Infinite Media oversees a list of consumers who purchased a report on how to enter sweepstakes and other games of chance. The count is 25,000. No telemarketing is allowed. Data is derived from multiple direct mail sources.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Infinite Media, Jeffrey Hudes (914-949-1547, ext. 125; [email protected])
Canadian Insurance
Cornerstone Group of Companies has a list of 14,128 subscribers to Canadian Insurance available from Rogers Publishing. Reciprocal list rental requirements may be waived for mailers who order this list well in advance.
Selections: Gender, number of employees, fax numbers, industry code, one per company, paid, title, province, FSA
Price: $300/M (Canadian)
Contact: Cornerstone Group of Companies, Stephen Manson-Hing (416-932-9555, ext. 415; [email protected])