Listline e-Newsletter 4/07

–Success Publishers Opportunity Buyers
Macromark is now managing this file naming 105,078 individuals who’ve paid $50 for a money-making system. DAJ Direct was the former manager.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Macromark, Paula Dazi (845-230-6300 ext.349; [email protected])

–Mo Hotta Mo Betta Buyers
This file naming 3,949 last-12-month spicy sauce buyers has returned to the market after an absence of several years. Seventy-five percent of these individuals are sourced from the company’s catalog and the remainder from the Web.
Selections: $50+ buyers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $450/F
Contact: Estee Marketing Group Inc., Deana Burrett (914-235-7080 ext. 16; [email protected])

–Underbanked Master File
Named here are 10 million individuals aged 18-40 who’ve been sourced from direct response and credit card transaction data.
Selections: Recency, response score, discretionary income score, fundraising score, churn score, continuity buyers, merchandise buyers, magazine buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Infocore Inc., Beth Stewart (760-607-2500 ext. 14; [email protected])

–Professional Safety Advisors Group Master File
Reach 129,919 professionals that market products promoting work zone safety and improved job site communication.
Selections: Gender, job function, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Direct Media Inc., Manisha Bhavasar (203-532-2431; [email protected])

–Canadian Bureau of Education and Research
This file lists 9,449 attendees of Canadian educational seminars drawn from various direct response vehicles. They include teachers, librarians and administrators.
Selections: Gender, grade level, job function/title, recency, subject area, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $140/M
Contact: MGILists, Santo Scrimenti (703-706-0390; [email protected])

–Get Into SMS–Or Risk Losing Sales
By Carol Lustig
About a decade or so ago marketers glanced at the big box sitting on their desks and thought,