Listline e-Newsletter 10/27

* Rural Builder
* Small Cap Pulse
* Moorehouse Auto Complete
* In Trends Highwired Photography
* Artusan Male Enhancement
* Millard Handles Brokerage for One Step Ahead
* Field & Stream
* Playboy Catalog


Rural Builder
MeritDirect now manages a list of 30,523 subscribers to Rural Builder, a title published by the Krause Publications division of F+W Media Inc. Sources include direct mail (60%), agents (25%), space advertising (8%) and insert media (7%). ALC Data Management was the prior manager.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, paid, renewal, source, residential builder, post frame builder, metal frame builder, building material dealers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: MeritDirect, Danielle Zaborski (914-368-1090; [email protected])


Small Cap Pulse
Infocore Inc. offers a list of 32,409 subscribers to the Small Cap Pulse e-mail newsletter. This audience consists of bankers, venture capitalists, institutional investors and day traders. Postal and e-mail addresses are available. Sources include banner ads, search keywords and Web site link exchanges.
Selections: Telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $185/M (postal file); $235/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Infocore Inc., Tom Mack Jr., (760-607-2500, ext. 13; [email protected])

Moorehouse Auto Complete
List Services Corp. has introduced a database that identifies vehicle owners, with 45 million home addresses and 9.5 million e-mail addresses. Segments are available that identify insurance expiration dates for 45 million vehicle owners, with 1 million e-mail addresses. Sources include dealers, public records and auto clubs.
Selections: Monthly hotline, vehicle make/model, odometer reading, new/used, hybrid flag, age, gender, ethnicity, credit card user, homeowner, presence of children, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $220/M (postal address); $$225/M (e-mail address)
Contact: List Services Corp., Steve Ruffler (203-791-4491; [email protected])

In Trends Highwired Photography
RMI Direct Marketing Inc. offers this list of households that reportedly have a high interest in photography equipment. Those listed are median age 48 and have a $75,000 median income. Sources include direct mail and e-mail surveys, with demographic data overlays.
Selections: Hotlines, age, gender, ethnicity, income, length of residence, presence of children, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M (last-12-month names)
Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., Alan Yu (203-825-4622; [email protected])

Artusan Male Enhancement
Impulse Media Inc. offers 19,036 buyers from this year on this file. Buyers paid $50 for herbal supplement for men