Listline e-Newsletter 08/03/07

* Lab Manager Magazine
* AICPA Specialized Membership Sections
* Sub Prime Credit Card Responders
* Executives From American Water Works Association
* Traveling Teachers from Educators Direct
* Communication Publishing Premier Buyers
* Multi Mail Order Buyers U.K.
* Introducing Donna Mallinson of List Counsellors Inc.


Lab Manager Magazine
Vicon Publishing Inc. has chosen MetaResponse Group to manage three magazine subscription lists. The largest file with 32,117 names identifies subscribers to Lab Manager Magazine. Two other files name subscribers to Forensic and Controlled Environments magazines. VentureDirect Worldwide was the prior manager.
Selections: Job function, industry, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $225/M
Contact: MetaResponse Group Inc., Diane Dubocq (954-360-0644, ext. 217; [email protected])

AICPA Specialized Membership Sections
Lake Group Media Inc. has assumed management of several lists for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. One file identifies 24,357 members who paid additional dues to join a special interest section, such as information technology, personal financial planning or management consulting. Direct mail is the source. This file was formerly managed in-house.
Selections: Occupation, interest, business/industry type, age, gender, company size, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert (914-925-2449; [email protected])


Sub Prime Credit Card Responders
Consumers with poor credit who filled out online forms to apply for credit are named on this file. It identifies 3 million monthly applicants. These individuals provided information about their employment and bank account. Those approved received lines of credit ranging from $200 to $1,000.
Selections: Weekly hotline, area code, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Mail Marketing Inc., Joann O’Rourke (201-750-3222, ext. 26; [email protected])

Executives From American Water Works Association
The AWWA offers a list of 11,177 paid members who are executives in the retail business. Members typically are involved with products and services related to water quality and supplies or wastewater.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M (base)
Contact: Statlistics, Don Riccio (203-778-8700, ext. 131; [email protected])

Traveling Teachers from Educators Direct
Teachers, principals and administrators comprise this list of 312,046. The file includes domestic and foreign travelers. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Age, gender, homeowner, income, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Meta Washington (212-655-5854; [email protected])

Communication Publishing Premier Buyers
Consumers who purchased how-to books are found on this file. Titles sold include “America’s Secret Cash Giveaway,” “Secret Book of Free Money” and “225 Secrets,” among others. A total of 16,592 names are available from the second quarter. The average direct mail unit of sale was $70.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Macromark Inc., Cathy Gilmore (845-230-6300, ext. 305; [email protected])

Multi Mail Order Buyers U.K.
Some 960,000 consumers in the United Kingdom are named on this list of catalog buyers. They purchased appliances, electronics, toys, apparel and other products for the home and garden.
Selections: Gender, age, marital status, occupation, homeowner, dwelling type, lifestyle
Price: $190/M
Contact: Interactive Marketing Solutions, Chris Meehan (845-624-1155; [email protected])


Introducing Donna Mallinson of List Counsellors Inc.
This week, Meet the Broker features Donna Mallinson. She reminisces how some brokerage tasks took less time by telephone, in the days before e-mail and online count inquiries. To learn why she phones a postal inspector, click here (