Listline e-Newsletter 07/12/07

* Men of the House Master File
* Time Kids
* Cadalyst E-newsletter Subscribers
* Velocity Credit Card
* Market Dynamics Day Traders Workshop
* Active Military Professionals from TeraResponse
* Revolutionary Winning System


Men of the House Master File
Meredith Corp. has overlaid data from multiple sources on its database to create a list of 8.8 million men. It’s a list of husbands and adult sons of women who have subscribed to Meredith’s magazines or purchased books via direct mail. Segments are available for such interests as fishing, golf and hunting.
Selections: Hotlines, change of address, enhancements, gender, paid, interests, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Shawn Danitz (609-580-2758; [email protected]

Time Kids
Time Inc. recently introduced this subset of Time subscribers for targeting families with children. Some 519,000 names are offered. The median age of subscribers is 45; median household income $67,183.
Selections: Hotlines, child’s age range, adult’s age, income, gender, lifestyle, source, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Millard-Mokrynski Group Inc., Jennifer Kelley (603-924-9262, ext. 2120; [email protected]

Cadalyst E-newsletter Subscribers
Questex Media Group has released e-mail lists of subscribers to various Cadalyst e-mail newsletters, which target individuals involved with computer-aided design and related technologies. A total of 63,879 e-mail addresses are available. Newsletter titles are selectable with counts ranging from 2,616 for Cadalyst Daily to 24,137 subscribers for Cadalyst Tips and Tools Weekly, among others.
Selections: Newsletter
Price: $375/M
Contact: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., Ilene Schwartz (216-371-1667; [email protected])

Velocity Credit Card
The recently introduced Velocity list group includes a file with millions of credit cardholders. It’s comprised of mail order buyers, typically 45 or older with a $50,000 or better income. The 30-day hotline offers more than 1 million names. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, lifestyle, demographics, product categories, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (base)
Contact: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., Karen Isenberg (201-865-5800, ext. 2212; [email protected]
Some 134,000 postal and e-mail addresses are available on this Web site master file. It includes homeowners and aspiring homeowners. Data is sourced online
Selections: Gender, telephone, recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: VentureDirect List Services Group, Jim Scova (212-655-5186; [email protected])

Market Dynamics Day Traders Workshop
Here’s a file that names more than 60,000 investors who paid $249 for information on short-term trading. No telemarketing is allowed. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Contact: Geon Media Group, Megan Donnelly (801-619-7800; [email protected])

Active Military Professionals from TeraResponse
The TeraResponse list group has been expanded to include a list of more than 300,000 U.S. military professionals. Twenty-one percent are women. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered. E-mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, e-mail address, date of birth, lifestyle, adult’s/child’s age, homeowner, household income, mail order buyer, marital status, presence/number of children, home/business address, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Teramedia Corp., Scott Hardigree (407-420-1108, ext. 205; [email protected])

Revolutionary Winning System
Opportunity seekers who spent $10 for access to a training program for home-based businesses are named on this file. A total of 6,101 names are available from the second quarter for postal and telemarketing offers. Direct mail is the sole source.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Macromark Inc., Dave Boyd (845-230-6300, ext. 327; [email protected])