Listline e-Newsletter 06/26/06

* Compliance and Labor Law Product Buyers
* Salesian Missions Ethnic Donors
* Marfak Publications Opportunity Seekers
* Rubber and Plastic Basic Products
* ICOM Growing Prostate Reliefbase
* Lawyers from Strategic Research Institute
* Dun & Bradstreet Postal
* PerformanceLink Files


Compliance and Labor Law Product Buyers
Executives who spent $50 to $100 are named on the Compliance and Labor Law Product Buyers file. Products sold include books, posters, videos and training courses. A total of 696,475 names are available from California, Oregon and Washington state. Records for additional states will become available at a later time. The source is a network of Web sites.
Selections: Business/industry, gender, job title, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Morgan Direct Inc. Liz Crowfoot at 888-870-2209, ext. 206 or [email protected]

Salesian Missions Ethnic Donors
Salesian Missions has enhanced its list of humanitarian relief donors with data from Ethnic Technologies LLC. A total of 675,858 last-12-month donors and buyers are available. List requests cannot be approved for free offers, telemarketing, puzzle club, astrology or 900 number-related offers. List reciprocity is required.
Selections: Gender, $5-/$10-plus donors, Catholic/non-sectarian, 6-month recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Estee Marketing Group Inc., Deana Burrett at 914-235-7080, ext. 16 or [email protected]

Marfak Publications Opportunity Seekers
Some 15,000 names are available on Marfak Publications Opportunity Seekers list. These consumers purchased books, tapes and manuels for information on how make money working from home. The unit of sale was $40. Direct mail and space advertising are the sources.
Selections: Gender, age, contact, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., David Brill at 845-357-1881 or [email protected] and Oney Currithers at 845-357-1881 or [email protected]

Rubber and Plastic Basic Products
A total of 48,062 executives and professionals are named on the Rubber and Plastic Basic Products Worldwide list.These individuals work in the rubber and plastics industries. This file is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Postal addresses, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses are available. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.
Selections: Job function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $245/M (postal addresses); $345/M (telephone/fax numbers); $475/M (e-mail addresses)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., John Rucker at 301-986-1455, ext. 25 or [email protected]

ICOM Growing Prostate Reliefbase
The names of 13,750 individuals have been assembled for the ICOM Growing Prostate Reliefbase. These men filled out a TargetSource survey. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Macromark Inc., Mary Ellen Meyer at 845-230-6300, ext. 324 or [email protected]

Lawyers from Strategic Research Institute
More than 4,500 names are available on the Lawyers from Strategic Research Institute list. These individuals inquired about or attended conferences for work. The average unit of sale was $1,200. The sources are direct mail (75%) and e-mail (25%).
Selections: Gender, telephone numbers, recency, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Statlistics, Stacy Nester at 203-778-8700, ext. 109 or [email protected]


Dun & Bradstreet Postal
More than 1.4 million names are offered on the Dun & Bradstreet Postal master file. It identifies public and private businesses across Canada. Nine specialized list segments are available, including for example government, healthcare, manufacturing and retail. Sources include public records, business registrations and directories.
Selections: SIC codes, English/French, export/import, location status, new businesses, sales subsidiary, year started, FSA, province
Price: $165/M (Canadian)
Contact: Cornerstone Group of Companies, Erin McFadden at 416-932-9555, ext. 371 or [email protected]


PerformanceLink Files
Construction and beauty professionals on identified on two PerformaceLink cooperative database files. PerformanceLink Construction Professionals is the larger list with 360,134 names. The beauty file has 175,415 names. Direct mail is the source. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, business/home address, ethnicity, gender, job function/title, marital status, multibuyer, multichannel buyer, number of employees, price point ranges, product, sales volume, women business owners, years in business, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Mark Hammer at 609-580-2562 or [email protected]