* Engineering Management Professionals
* RNA Worldwide
* Mad Money Sweepstakes Players/South Africa
* Eschool News E-mail
* Catalog Shoppers
* National Wildlife Catalog PIP
* Make Life Easier PIP
* PerformanceLink Healthcare Lists
Engineering Management Professionals
Strategic Research Institute has four new list segments available. Among them is a list of 13,747 engineering management professionals. Those listed attended various industry conferences. The average unit of sale was $1,200. The sources are direct mail (75%) and e-mail (25%). Other segments identify lawyers, medical professionals and production management professionals.
Selections: Gender, telephone numbers, recency, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Statlistics, Stacy Nester at 203-778-8700, ext. 109 or [email protected]
RNA Worldwide
Researchers and science and pharmaceutical executives are named on the RNA Worldwide list. Some 69,508 postal addresses, 24,924 telephone and fax numbers and 4,334 e-mail addresses are available. These individuals work in a variety of areas, including gene regulation and protein synthesis. This data is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.
Selections: Job function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $245/M (postal addresses); $345/M (telephone/fax numbers); $475/M (e-mail addresses)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., John Rucker at 301-986-1455, ext. 25 or [email protected]
Mad Money Sweepstakes Players/South Africa
The count is 42,000 for the Mad Money Sweepstakes Players/South Africa list. Most of these individuals are women who speak Afrikaans as their first language and English as their second language.
Selections: Recency
Price: $180/M
Contact: Regency Direct Mail Ltd., Sanj Aggarwal at 604-853-3035 or [email protected]
Eschool News E-mail
Some 80,000 records are available on the Eschool News Education Technology Leaders e-mail list. The file reaches technology directors, technology teachers and other information technology professionals in the education field.
Selections: Purchasers, title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $300/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Steve Kazin at 212-655-5110 or [email protected]
Catalog Shoppers
Nearly 3 million names have been assembled for the Catalog Shoppers file. More than two-thirds of these individuals reportedly made catalog purchases. They have a median age of 40 and median income of $50,000. Monthly hotlines for different product categories are available. Sources include online and direct mail surveys, direct response TV, retail, mail order and online transactions.
Selections: Hotlines, age, income, gender, homeowners, presence of children, pet owners, book buyers, cooking interest, travelers, collectibles, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $65/M
Contact: Focus USA, Stephani O’John at 201-489-2525 or [email protected]
National Wildlife Catalog PIP
A package insert program is now available from the National Wildlife catalog. Some 388,500 packages are mailed annually. Seventy-eight percent of these customers are women typically 45 or older, with a $50,000 household income. Inserts can be up to 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. Inquiries for inserts heavier than .25 ounce will be considered.
Price: $60/M
Contact: Mokrynskidirect, Jody Smith at 201-487-8181, ext. 645 or [email protected]
Make Life Easier PIP
Starcrest Products of California Inc. recently introduced a package insert program for its Make Life Easier catalog. More than 1.7 million packages are shipped annually. A maximum of eight inserts per package will be accepted. Inserts must be between 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 inches, weighing no more than .25 ounce.
Price: $49/M
Contact: List Process Management Inc., Margaret Raven Ginns at 941-927-8259 or [email protected]
PerformanceLink Healthcare Lists
Several list segments identifying medical and dental professionals are offered as part of the PerformanceLink cooperative database list group. The PerformanceLink Doctors and Physicians list for example offers 166,753 names. Similarly 77,601 names are available on a list of dental professionals. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, business/home address, ethnicity, gender, job function/title, marital status, multibuyer, multichannel buyer, number of employees, price point ranges, product, sales volume, women business owners, years in business, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Mark Hammer at 609-580-2562 or [email protected]