Listline e-Newsletter 02/17/06

* Council on Education in Management

* Jenasol Enhanced Supplement Buyers

* American Society of Appraisers

* Elite Global Investors

* About Quilters and Quilting

* Givers to Disease Research

* Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel Magazine

* Ministry Values Pastor Responders


Council on Education in Management

InformaDATA has been appointed as list manager for the Council on Education in Management, an organization that provides training for employment law and human resources professionals. There are 38,187 direct mail-generated names available. The average unit of sale was $1,900. Chessie Lists Inc. was the former manager.
Selections: Business/industry, number of employees, gender, max per site, job function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: InformaDATA, Anne Marie Pfeffer at 508-614-1471 or [email protected]


Jenasol Enhanced Supplement Buyers

Two Jenasol files have been overlaid with additional data to launch Jenasol Enhanced Supplement Buyers, a list of 155,569 direct mail buyers from the last 12 months. A typical customer is 50 or older. Products purchased include vitamins and herbal supplements.
Selections: Age range, income range, ethnicity, lifestyle interest, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Impulse Media, Pam Ranalli at 203-825-4652 or [email protected]

American Society of Appraisers

The American Society of Appraisers now offers a list of 5,055 members who paid an average of $390 in annual dues. Member counts are available for appraisers of business value, machinery and technical specialties, real estate, personal property, gems and jewelry. An additional 16,266 prospective members are available.
Selections: Appraisal discipline, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $375/M (members); $150/M (prospects)
Contact: Infocus Marketing Inc., Jessica Nairn at 800-708-5478, ext. 3256 or [email protected]

Elite Global Investors

Individuals on the Elite Global Investors file attended investment seminars. Most of these 228,461 individuals are 35 or older, with a $100,000 or better income. These individuals phoned to register for seminars, in response to recorded outbound telemarketing messages. Most attended and many reportedly invested in the opportunities presented.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M (base)
Contact: Carney Direct Marketing Inc., Jim Kellough at 800-240-3349, ext. 316 or [email protected] and Maureen Digan 866-761-5971 or [email protected]

About Quilters and Quilting

A total of 278,412 names are available on the About Quilters and Quilting list. Names were generated via direct mail surveys. Each record has been enhanced with several hundred demographic, psychographic and behavioral data points.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, adult’s/child’s age range, estimated household income, credit cards, spending habits, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., Donna Lundell at 847-619-9800, ext. 166 or [email protected]

Givers to Disease Research

More than 1.2 million last-12-month donors are identified on the Givers to Disease Research file. These men and women gave contributions to support research on AIDS, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and other diseases. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.
Selections: Income, ethnicity, marital status, gender, age, computer owner, telephone numbers, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: All-n-One List Marketing Inc., Greg Sholes at 703-717-5621 or [email protected]


Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel Magazine

The base price for the Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel Magazine list increases by $5/M effective Feb. 23. Some 482,000 active subscribers are available. Their median age is 48; median household income $60,000.
Selections: Hotlines, credit cards, gender, home address, paid, renewals, source state/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage: Crossings, Dow Jones, Conde Nast Publications, Consumers Union, Hearst Magazines, International Living, National Geographic Traveler, Newsweek, Rodale, Time Consumer Marketing, Bank of America, Chase Card Services, J.P. Morgan & Co., Money Magazine, Omaha Creative Group Inc., Project Open Hand, Panasonic, Certified Folder Display, Escapes, Fairfield Communities, Grand European Tours, Go Ahead Vacations, Travel and Leisure Magazine, Treasure Chest
Price: $105/M (new base price)
Contact: Direct Media Inc., Mary Rose Arbagi at 203-532-2552 or [email protected]

Ministry Values Pastor Responders

The Church Leaders and Decision Makers master file has been renamed Ministry Values Pastor Responders to reflect a $15/M decrease in the base price. These 228,060 individuals listed purchased furniture, building supplies, bibles, hymnals, newsletters, magazines or other Christian educational products. The source is the Ministry Values for Growing Churches card pack. A 30% broker commission is being offered temporarily.
Selections: Church name and address only, denomination, recency, state/SCF
Price: $75/M
Contact: Mail Marketing Inc., Joann O’Rourke at 201-750-3222, ext. 26 or [email protected]