Linda Huntoon and Three Other Brokers Join Direct Media

Direct Media Inc. has hired Linda Huntoon and several other brokers from her staff at ClientLogic Specialists Marketing Services to beef up its consumer brokerage division. The brokers include Chatty Teirstein, Jodi Mahr and Holly Morris.

Huntoon, who starts Monday, brokers for such clients as J. Crew, Grolier and the Museum of Fine Arts-Boston, according to Rosemary Montroy, executive vice president.

Huntoon and Teirstein have worked together for 17 years. Mahr and Morris have been with her for six.

Greenwich, CT-based Direct Media, long known for its business-to-business brokerage, has stepped its efforts to hire top consumer brokers. Recently, it hired Jill Payne from Fred Singer Direct Marketing Inc. to handle consumer alternative media. Last year, it brought on Carolyn Woodruff, Jennifer Cuttler and Mary Ann Buoncristiano of Uni-Mail List Corp.

The firm’s senior consumer brokers include Dolores Ryan, Sally Blum Coughlin and Mary Ellen Quirk.

Huntoon is vice chair of the Direct Marketing Association