Lilly Settles State e-Mail Lawsuits

Eli Lilly and Co. has settled state charges that it released the e-mail addresses of hundreds of patients who take Prozac.

The Inadianapolis, IN-based company will pay $160,000, to be shared by eight states, according to Associated Press. Earlier this year, it settled a lawsuit with the Federal Trade Commission over the same incident.

The patients reportedly signed up at a Lilly Web site for automatic e-mails reminding them to take their medication. However, an e-mail last year included the e-mail addresses of all the subscribers to the newsletters, according to AP.

The states are Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, New York, New Jersey and Vermont.

Recently, the drug manufacturer was named in another privacy flap involving Prozac. A Florida woman who was sent free, unsolicited samples of the drug by mail sued Walgreens, Eli Lilly and three doctors. Earlier this week, it was reported that the samples also went to a 16 year-old boy.