Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Database Marketing Goes to War, Direct Newsline, June 27, 2005]: Regarding your column on the database of Selective Service registrees… You should be aware that a segment of your audience considers this kind of comment to be petty and immature – or even worse, as an attempt to dishonor the sacrifice of those who not only registered, but also volunteered to fight terrorism and build a free Afghanistan and a free Iraq. When you combine an otherwise cogent idea with such highly emotional interference, you obscure your message. As an Army veteran (West Berlin 83-85), I can tell you it wasn’t funny to me. As someone who lost a friend in Iraq, I found it to be reprehensible. Had you made your point differently – had you avoided politically charged attempts at humor, you would have done your job much more effectively.
Dan Quakkelaar
Waterford, WI

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Re: your direct recruiting idea for the military … “Underachieving academically and seeking a different challenge? Pull a C- average, and be one of the first 250,000 respondents to this letter, and your Uncle might make you the first kid on your block to own an M-16 rifle, a pair of night vision goggles, a free haircut AND a nifty set of shoulder patches!” This offer is so good in the best tradition of DM marketing, it’s positively dangerous! Please, don’t give our government any more hair-brained ideas – that’s Bush’s job.
Lauretta Harris
Write Communications Inc.
Scarsdale, NY

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“All we are saying…..” Watch out! The tune-in, dropout attitude of the late 60’s early 70’s is right around the corner. Peace, man!
Bernie O’Connor CFGD
Partner, Creative Director
Giannini O’Connor LLC
Allentown, PA

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One of the best Loose Cannons I’ve seen in recent memory!
Jeff Patterson
North Brunswick, NJ