Kool Mails 500,000 Postcards to Menthol Cigarette Smokers

Kool, a menthol cigarette brand, is hoping to expand market share with a recent 500,000-piece postcard mailing to prospective adult menthol cigarette buyers. The campaign, which mailed April 8, will be supported by a follow-up mailing later this month.

The follow-up effort will include an offer for a free pack of Kools, according to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. spokesman Mark Smith.

The names for the mailing were pulled from an in-house database of menthol smokers, Smith said. Brown & Williamson, Kool’s parent company, did not use any outside names.

Smith did not rule out the possibility of expanding the scope of the direct mail program in the future, although he did not offer any concrete plans.

“By driving trial among existing competitive adults smokers and increasing conversion, we can reach our goal of making Kool the fastest growing menthol brand in the country,” Ludo Cremers, Brown & Williamson’s divisional vice president of marketing, said in a statement.

Brown & Williamson is heavily promoting a recent redesign of the Kool packaging.

The postcards are part of an advertising and promotion campaign centered around the theme “We Built the House of Menthol.” The campaign will include magazine and newspaper advertising, point of sale promotions and event sponsorships.

Smith did not release the size of the marketing budget.

Brown & Williamson is based in Louisville, KY.