Internet Use Among the Wealthy Jumps

The profile of the online user is getting wealthier.

Internet users with household incomes of more than $150,000 jumped 20% year-over-year to 10.3 million in January from 8.6 million, Nielsen//NetRatings has reported.

This group not only spends the most time online (76 hours per month), but it consumes more Web pages (2,126) than any other group.

Both men and women in this group shared a preference for travel sites. However men visited more financial sites while women chose to surf entertainment sites.

The report found that the top sites capturing the largest percentage of men in this group were Fidelity Investments, Sabre Travel Network, CBS MarketWatch, United Airlines and American Airlines. Top sites for women were AOL Travel, Moviefone, AOL Living, Expedia and AOL Entertainment.

“Our research indicates that savvy advertisers trying to reach both men and women efficiently in this group should target online travel sites in their marketing campaigns, while focusing on financial sites to reach men and entertainment destinations to reach women,” said Heather Dougherty, senior retail analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings, in a statement.

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