Got Milk Freshens Up Web site with Interactive Features

The California Milk Processor Board has put a new spin on its irreverent got milk? campaign, adding a slew of interactive elements to its Web site.

Visitors to are greeted by a milk contraption, which shows a flowing stream of the beverage. People navigate through a series of interactive games, which highlight various health benefits of milk.

For example, players can shoot Miss Dowdy, a pig, out of a cannon into a bath of milk. After she successful lands, she comes out with wavy hair and thick eyelashes to talk up milk’s health benefits. Or visitors can help Chuck, the beaver, fulfill his milk-drinking quota to avoid cavities.

A drop down menu on the site also gives people access to milk-related studies, articles and low-fat recipes.

The board refreshed the Web site, which launched in 2000, to give it more of an updated spin, Steve James, executive director of the milk processor’s board, said. The original site was difficult to navigate and boring, he added.

“This new site is has some fun and engaging games,” James said. “There are things you expect now on the site that make you want to come back.”

The site also features a crossword puzzle contest, called “Are you Smarter than your Mama?” It challenges Californians to answer 20 questions as they relate to Got Milk, its advertising campaign and health benefits. One grand-prize winner will receive an Apple MacAir. Other prizes include a Nintendo Wii and $150 Apple iTunes gift card. The contest runs through May 30.

The campaign, which shows funny moments when the milk runs out, first aired in California, then went national in 1995.

Goodby, Silverstein and Partners handles the general market work for the board. RL Public Relations administers the contest.

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