The report is a bit out of date, given that the dot-com implosion occurred in mid-year. But the Federation of European Direct Marketing (FEDMA) reported today that firms spent 43 billion euros DM in the year 2000, a 9% increase over 1999.
And FEDMA for the first time included data from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic. Those four reported a combined direct marketing expenditure of 860 million euros.
All media experienced an increase. Online media spending increased by 8% overall, and it tripled in Italy and Hungary. Direct mail represents 70% of the total.
It was not clear from FEDMA’s announcement whether the total included expenditures by U.S. firms.
In addition to data provided by national direct marketing associations, the report features information from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Forrester Resarch and sponsor Royal Mail/Consignia.