
What Audio Watermarks Means for Marketers

|  by Daryl Hemingway

Audio watermarks—silent unique identifiers embedded within an audio or video signal—offer some unique opportunities for marketers.

Modern Marketing Health Check: How Does Your Company Stack Up?

|  by Lisa Loftis

Marketers are increasingly expected to take on non-traditional activities, and drive strategy—all to expedite change. While this may feel at times like “sailing against the wind” there is little doubt that a significant transformation is taking place.

3 Steps to Engage Mobile App Users

|  by Stefan Benndorf

Getting someone to download your app is tricky enough, but counting on them to actually use it is something else entirely.

Website Performance Anxiety—How Does Your User Experience Stack Up?

|  by Yancy Oshita

The marketer’s role has changed significantly in recent years, due largely to the demands of digital business. A decade ago, the idea of marketing teams needing to be overly concerned with IT would have seemed ridiculous. Today, this is the new reality.