Digital + Social
Open Rates Rise Again: Epsilon
E-mail average open rates have edged up for the fourth quarter in a row, according to a study released today by marketing services provider Epsilon.
Average open rates
Q Interactive Buys Lead-Gen Firm Vente
Pay-for-performance ad network Q Interactive announced today it has acquired Vente
Gunfight at the DMA Corral
Oh, the irony. A dissident board member of the Direct Marketing Association has launched a campaign against the DMA using the one channel the organization has arguably struggled with most
Gmail’s Growing Popularity Not Necessarily Good For Marketers
While Gmail is still a distant third to Yahoo and Hotmail in terms of numbers of inbox holders. Google’s highly user-friendly free e-mail service is by far the fastest growing of the three, according to recent numbers from comScore
Pulling Ahead in the Slump
Shane Evangelist loves a recession. Seriously. The reason? According to the CEO of U.S. Auto Parts, the current slump in the economy has many consumers
In E-Mail Lists, You Get What You Pay For
Judging by the sheer number of pitches everyone gets daily from unknown companies shilling shady e-mail lists, it’s safe to say enough marketers are buying these lists to make the fly-by-night firms profitable
Kids Still Care About E-Mail: Survey
Sure, instant messaging and social networks are the communication channels of choice for the 18 to 25-year-old set. But many are highly receptive to permission-based commercial e-mail, according to research from marketing services firm Epsilon
Autobytel Re-Launches E-Mail CRM Program
Autobytel Inc., an automotive marketing services company, has re-launched its Email Manager program.
Stupid Statement Watch: Umm, That’s Not True
RPost, a company that offers proof-of-receipt technology for e-mail, is suing Goodmail, claiming the e-mail certification firm is infringing on RPost