Digital + Social
The Skinny on Gmail’s Priority Inbox
The email cognoscenti are abuzz regarding Google’s rollout of its Gmail Priority Inbox. The bottom line, though, appears to be simple: Email marketers that follow best practices regarding targeted relevancy and engagement will likely benefit from the new feature.
Myth Busters: Loren McDonald on “Free” in Subject Lines, Ideal Frequencies, and More
Silverpop’s Loren McDonald dispels misconceptions regarding e-mail subject lines, frequency, and deliverability
The Why and How of Dynamic Content Personalization in E-mail
Dynamic content personalization improves the performance of e-mail marketing campaigns by optimizing the visual elements displayed to each recipient. Senders can dynamically change images within the e-mail in real time based on explicit delivery rules.
The Sum of the Parts, Part 8: Adding E-mail to the Multichannel Mix
In 2010 we are living in a truly multichannel world where consumers demand the ability to surf the Web for a bargain, flick through a catalog during their coffee break, and enjoy the in-store experience of a retail outlet. E-mail has a role in communicating to participants in any and all of these media and channels.
Facebook Ad Spending to Nearly Double This Year: eMarketer
Global marketers will almost double their ad spending within the Facebook social network this year, according to a new forecast from eMarketer
Four Often-Overlooked E-mail Metrics
Some metrics, such as open rates, get much more scrutiny than they arguably warrant. Others, though, are criminally overlooked.
E-mail Service Providers: How to Distinguish the Exceptional from the Standard
Fortunately there is an important aspect of e-mail software that marketers can zero in on when evaluating service providers. It
Discipline in E-mail Deliverability and Testing
Success in the e-mail business is directly proportional to the amount of discipline you have in your personal life. I have found that most
Keep the Brand/Blogger Relationship Transparent
If you’re a brand working with bloggers, the connection should be as transparent as possible. That was the message attendees at BlogHer 10 in New York got last week during a panel discussion on the FTC’s endorsement guidelines.
Are These the Best-Designed E-mails of the Year?
We all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But that didn