Digital + Social
Social Media, WOM, New Products, Draw Women To Brands
Gap recently offered a discount incentive for shoppers that checked in through Foursquare. The promotion helped catapult the retailer up a new listing of the 25 brands most important to women from No. 44 to No. 17
Going Global With Your Social Media Strategy
The rapidly evolving social networking landscape provides an open playing field for consumers to access your marketing across global, cultural and linguistic lines.
The Case for Digital Technology Integration
If time equals money, and improved processes equal time, it’s easy to see what benefit integrating your digital technologies and data can provide to your business—especially if the result will help fuel deeper engagement with your customers.
Email Marketing for Smaller Businesses: Gearing Up for Christmas
Email marketing is no doubt one of the tools you plan to use to make this a merry Christmas season. If you
Social Hits Its Stride: Chief Marketer’s 2010 Social Marketing Survey
In last year’s Chief Marketer social marketing survey, we said that if you weren’t integrating social media into your marketing plans, you were not behind
The Chieftains
How do you use Social Media, both personally and professionally? Janie Downey, Executive Director, New England mail Order Association
Opens, Deletes, and ISPs: an Email Deliverability Update
Internet service providers are changing the criteria by which they identify legitimate inbound email vs. spam: That much is clear. What
How to Revive a Dead Email Campaign
If your emails are more stone tablet than iPad, you might want to consider some innovative ways to shake up your campaign and get those open rates out of the hibernation they’ve been in since the Emailocene era.
Seven Key Components of Email: a Checklist
Each element of an email campaign can be analyzed and discussed in enough detail to fill a score of articles. Here, we’re going to offer quick tips concerning seven key components.
Facebook Posts More Engaging Early in the Day, with Images: Vitrue
According to research by social media marketing agency Facebook, Vitrue posts incorporating images-including photos and coupons