Digital + Social
Email 2011: The Pros Prognosticate
Despite chatter about social media usurping it, email remains one of the most effective, and cost-effective, tools available to marketers. We asked several experts for their take on how email will continue to evolve and what it means to you.
Look Beyond Email Metrics to Measure Email Effectiveness
One strength of email as a marketing tool is its measurability. But if you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns in a vacuum, relying exclusively on standard medium-specific metrics such as open and clickthrough rates, you could be underestimating their effectiveness.
From Email to Online: Ensuring a Seamless Customer Experience
As an email marketing professional, you obsess about maintaining and growing a database of responsive subscribers, ensuring that your emails make it through the myriad filters to their inboxes, and creating messages that are compelling enough to entice recipients to open them and respond. But you probably don’t worry too much about what happens once those recipients do click through.
“Tron: Legacy” Facebook Promo Puts Fans in the Movie
As if any were needed, Disney is building buzz for the Dec. 17 release of its new 3-D sci-fi adventure “Tron: Legacy” with a social app that lets users put themselves at the handlebars of a lightcycle from the picture
First Impressions: Four Tips to Make Your Welcome Email Sing
Your welcome email is a prime opportunity to engage customers by inviting them in with a warm greeting, but it also lets them know what to expect moving forward. Perhaps most important, it marks the start of what is hopefully a long, prosperous relationship. Here are four tips for making dynamite welcome emails
Why Email Needs to Enter the Social Circle
why are email campaigns so reluctant to enter the social circle? I realize that many retailers include social network buttons in their emails. But make it easier for me! Don’t take me to your corporate Facebook or Twitter page and leave me stranded.
Postholiday Email Campaigns to Consider
If you market to consumers, you probably spent months formulating your Christmas season email strategy. But now that we
Cisco Listens To B-to-B Social Media Chatter
While business-to-business CRM may start with a backslap and a martini, Cisco Systems is using social media to build a better backslap. “Businesses go to certain watering holes,” says Theresa Kushner, director of customer intelligence within Cisco’s strategic marketing organization. “And those companies have individuals who are making decisions, who have voices they are sharing outside of their companies.”
Are Apps Overrated?
A new study, commissioned by promotion and experiential agency Moosylvania, found that the majority (80%) of smartphone users surveyed used apps