The American Dairy Association/National Dairy Council this month kicks off a three-year marketing partnership between its 3-A-Day of Dairy program and WebMD Weight Loss Clinic.
The 3-A-Day/WebMD Weight Loss Challenge offers a free three-week subscription to the online weight-loss program at Subscribers get a personalized eating plan, tips on eating and lifestyle behavior, and customized newsletters and daily e-mails with dieting tips.
Grocers will distribute 2.5 million Weight Loss Challenge brochures (with recipes, exercise tips and advice from WebMD experts) and host 10,000 in-store sampling events. J. Brown Agency, Chicago, handles.
The marketing partnership leverages medical research that shows that dieters who have three servings of dairy a day lose more weight and body fat than dieters who merely cut calories.
The Rosemont, IL-based ADA/NDC also is launching a new 3-A-Day of Dairy logo for packages of milk, cheese and yogurt; the logo, “Burn More Fat, Lose Weight,” begins appearing on packaging later this fall. Print ads themed “More yummy, less tummy” broke in September magazines; TV spots supporting the weight-loss message broke Aug. 30 via DDB Chicago.