CosmoGirl Magazine will offer its teen readers a chance to be the star at their own virtual prom on March 27, to be held in CosmoGirl’s Club CG in the virtual world
The event will also be branded by “America’s Prom Queen,” a reality show set to launch this evening on the ABC Family Network, and by contact-lens manufacturer Acuvue.
Attendees who bring their 3-D avatars to the CosmoGirl Club CG performance stage within at 8 p.m. ET on March 27 will be able to take part in a virtual dance party, get their photos taken on a red carpet, and contend in the first annual CG competition for virtual prom king and queen.
The event is scheduled to last about an hour and a half, after which attendees can move to a virtual “after-party” in a lounge sponsored by Acuvue Oasys contacts. Acuvue will also sponsor an eye makeover that lets attendees try different colored lenses on their avatars.
Attendees will also qualify for free giveaways of virtual apparel and gear, including a tiara modeled on the one used in the “America’s Prom Queen” program. They will also be able to watch trailers for the ABC Family show within the event.
CosmoGirl already brands a CosmoGirl Village in, a virtual world built and run by Makena Technologies to provide PG-rated entertainment suited for ages 13 and up. Besides the virtual stage, CosmoGirl Village includes areas and “huts” where members can gather to socialize and shop for CosmoGirl branded attire for their avatars.
CosmoGirl has run a number of live events in its village since opening the space in November 2007, including a launch party, a dance-off, spa makeovers and a virtual meet-and-greet with “new soul” singer J. Holiday in December.
“The prom is something that’s very important to our reader,” Keith Gordon, associate publisher with CosmoGirl parent Hearst Magazines, said. “It’s a big even in her life, so we wanted to make sure we brought that excitement into the virtual world.”
“We always want to be where our reader is, whether she’s online, or at an event in the real world or reading her favorite magazine,” Gordon said. “We have a mobile phone [wireless application protocol (WAP)] site. And we knew that our readers are going to the virtual world as well, so we wanted to make sure there was a CosmoGirl presence.”
Gordon say the CosmoGirl virtual prom is being supported by promotion both on the magazine’s Web site,, and in the April print issue which will circulate before the March 27 date. Within, the event will be promoted with signage in other parts of the virtual world and with pre-prom events in CosmoGirl Village such as a virtual fashion show, a “Royal Runway” contest and dance-offs.
CosmosGirl’s virtual experience is so new, Gordon adds, that the magazine doesn’t set any traffic goals for events such as the CG virtual prom.
“As far as we know, we’re the only magazine in our category to have a virtual presence. And because this is so new, there aren’t any real rules of thumb for attendance. It’s all about engagement in the world and with the brand, and so far, so good. We know that the people who come are having a great time in the world, and we’re having a great time with it as well.”
Makena Technologies CEO Michael Wilson points out that CosmoGirl Village is a perennial presence on the “hot destinations” list members see when they log into the world. “I think it’s been fantastic for them, both because of the demographic and the property they bring to us but also because we’ve focused a lot on holding events in the area on a regular basis,” he says. “Our community team works with them constantly to keep the area hopping, and to encourage repeat visits by giving members something new to do with just about every visit.”