Chief Marketer’s top stories of 2009

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff


Here’s our list of the most read articles of 2009

#1: A Dozen Applications for Social Media
Sep 22, 2009
Many marketers employ a wide range of effective approaches while, despite the super-sized growth, others have not yet leveraged social media …

#2: Five Must Ask Twitter Questions
May 04, 2009
Little doubt remains about Twitter’s potential as a marketing tool, but a great debate exists about how, when and for what purposes Twitter should be incorporated into the marketing mix …

#3: To Tweet or Not to Tweet? How Twitter Can Further Your Brand
Apr 21, 2009
Twitter has spawned a powerful social information and communication medium. This has impacted how news is gathered, how organizations get the word out and how buzz is created …

#4: Twitter Patter: Does Marketing with Twitter Matter?
Jun 16, 2009
How does Twitter add value from a marketing perspective, instead of just a personal communications standpoint? In order for Twitter to be an effective vehicle, itÂ’s important to consider it as an additional channel in your integrated mix …

#5: Riding the Google Wave to Social Marketing
Oct 06, 2009
Over the last few weeks there has been a great deal of buzz around Google Wave, which builds on the concept of cloud computing…

#6: Luxury Brands Waking to a New Reality
Jun 02, 2009
As the recession keeps depressing, luxury brands are experiencing a wake-up call from this nasty cycle and from chastened luxury buyers…

#7: Playing to Win
Spend time with a child and you’ll see the world in a different way. Unencumbered by the restraints of adulthood, they imagine and reimagine the world constantly …

#8: Building Your Brand by Creating Community
Apr 14, 2009
A popular and effective method for growing your brand’s online presence is building an online community, and let your customers lead the way from a touch point they control …

#9: Retention Metrics You Should Be Using
Aug 04, 2009
It’s inevitable that customers leave. Your customer base is constantly evolving, and your customer loyalty and retention metrics likely hide that natural dynamic …

#10: 7 Myths CMOs (and Their Bosses) Gotta Stop Buying
Jun 08, 2009
Here’s seven myths that CMOs and their bosses truly need to stop believing if they want to get the most out of marketing in today’s world

Most Popular Blog Posts of 2009

Visit the Big Fat Marketing Blog here

#1: Quiznos: Three Days, a Million Free Subs and One Online Success
Mar 4, 2009
In this economy, you can’t go wrong giving away free food. The Denny’s restaurant chain hit an apparent home run with its Super Bowl ad touting a free Grand Slam breakfast on the Tuesday after the big game …

#2: Five Or Six Day Mail Delivery?
Feb 18, 2009
Although many catalog industry experts support Postmaster General John E. Potter’s appeal last month to Congress to let him reduce postal delivery to five days per week, the president/CEO of the Direct Marketing Association is categorically opposed …

#3: Political Costs of the USPS
Oct 5, 2009
President Barack Obama signed a measure last week to give the U.S Postal Service $4 billion worth of breathing room for the next year. The measure just barely got through, according to some reports …

#4: An Unhealthy Postal Prognosis
Sept 1, 2009
In the latest move to help forestall financial Armageddon, the U.S. Postal Service and Mailers Technical Advisory Committee have decided to poll business mailers on how they’d feel about cutting back delivery to five days …

#5: Problem Postal Proposals
Oct 12, 2009
In a recent article, Newsweek magazine polled some management consultants and business futurists on how to improve the U.S. Postal Service and make it run more like a business …

#6: A Better DMA (and who is Gerry Pike?)
Sept 25, 2009
I have no idea who this Gerry Pike person is. I know he’s a Board Member of the DMA but other than that? I know jack.Oh, except that he now has a website called and he’s asking you to download a Member Proxy Voting form and send it to him…

#7: Susan Boyle, YouTube Sensation
Apr 16, 2009
If anyone wants to question the power of the internet, site Bon Iver to start. But trumping him is a 47-year-old Scottish virgin who will likely become a very big vocal star thanks, completely, to the power of the internet and viral marketing

#8: Domino’s Slip-Up Reveals Silver Lining
Apr 6, 2009
If the police aren’t called and a human hasn’t been injured, can a promotion that goes terribly wrong, but ultimately emerges as a good thing, be turned into a case study that can be successful for other marketers? …

#9: Is John A. Greco, Jr. really worth $838,528* a year?
Sept 30, 2009
The interwebs are abuzz with direct marketing folks chatting about the smackdown between Gerry Pike and John Greco of the Direct Marketing Association….

#10: Pepsi Takes its Eye off the Ball and Gets a Black Eye
Apr 20, 2009
There are plenty of painful examples of brands inadvertently ticking off consumers with botched promotions, but when you mess with New York Yankee fans you’re really asking for trouble …

More top lists of 2009

View Promo Magazine’s top 30 list

View Multichannel Merchant Magazine’s top 20 list View Direct Magazine’s top 20 list


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