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  • Senate Passes Long-Awaited Postal Reform Bill

    The Senate’s unanimously passed postal reform bill S. 662 Thursday morning.

    The bill seeks to fundamentally remake the USPS for the first time since it came into being in 1970. It calls for:
    * Having the USPS offer market-competitive products.
    * Establishing a new more powerful Postal Regulatory Board to replace the current Postal Rate Commission.
    * Reworking some of the USPS’s arrangements with its employees and labor unions.

  • DMA Avoiding Utah Battle to Avert Bad PR: Greco

    The Direct Marketing Association did not join an effort supporting a lawsuit against Utah

  • Increased DM Contributes to Coca-Cola’s Fourth-Quarter Income Drop

    The Coca-Cola Co. reported revenue of $5.55 billion for fourth-quarter 2005, up from $5.2 billion during fourth-quarter 2004. But the Atlanta-based beverage company’s net income slipped from $1.2 billion to $864 million during the same period, in part due to increase direct marketing expenditures.

  • Cutter & Buck CEO to Join Gap

    John T. (Tom) Wyatt has resigned as president and CEO of golf products marketer Cutter & Buck Inc. to join GapBody, the women’s lingerie, fragrances and personal care products line. Wyatt will serve as GapBody’s president.

  • Loose Cannon: By Their Own Petards

    One of the characteristics of a socially responsible government is that it protects the unprotected. This past week saw the abuse of one such group — the 231 individuals who serve as Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives. What makes this all the more galling is that their persecution came at the hands of a rogue telemarketer who happens to be one of their own.

    The violations occurred when Missouri Republican Roy Blunt solicited his fellow GOP members during the Republican Party’s recent majority whip post election. According to the Washington Post, “Blunt bombarded Republicans with phone calls using a database of home, cell and vacation numbers…He had a system: A couple of staffers would dial numbers on the list, and as they reached members they would patch them through to Blunt or ask them to stand by for a call back.”

  • Revenue Up, Income Down at Harry & David

    Harry & David Holdings generated $362.4 million during the second quarter of fiscal 2006, up from $334.9 million in fiscal 2005. But the fruit and gourmet foods gift marketer’s net income between the quarters dropped, from $69.6 million to $49.1 million.

  • Sharper Image Sales Down for Fourth Quarter, Year

    The Sharper Image Corp generated $253.9 million during its 2005 fourth quarter, compared with $291.9 million a year ago. For the year, the San Francisco-based retailer reported $648.9 million in sales, down from $740 million. The quarter and year ended Jan. 31.

  • FTC, Others Take Action Against ‘Credit Repair’ Firms

    The Federal Trade Commission, U.S. Postal Inspection Service and eight state law enforcement agencies have taken action against 20 operations that allegedly deceptively claim they can remove negative information from consumers’ credit reports – even if that information is accurate and timely.

  • Live From Catalog On The Road: Retailers Walk Beyond Foot Traffic

    In the past, specialty stores lived on foot traffic. But today, that’s not enough. Now, retailers need a leg up from things like brand advertising

  • Live From Catalog On The Road: But Retail Isn’t Everything

    Sure, the big buzz is all about having synergy between direct and retail presences. But three speakers at Thursday’s DMA Catalog on the Road Conference said their companies have no plans to move into the brick and mortar world, thank you very much.