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  • Meet the Broker: Steve Mertel

    Today we meet Steve Mertel, who was recently promoted from senior account executive to vice president of the list brokerage division at Rubin Response Services Inc.

  • Test? Yes. Overtest? No.

    Want to make sure your e-zine is going to be read?
    Heed the ancient wisdom of direct mailers, and test. But do it in a way that is appropriate for the medium, says Reid Carr, president of Red Door Interactive Inc.

  • Anti-Junk Mail Postman Reinstated in U.K.

    A British postman suspended for telling his customers how to stop receiving unsolicited advertisements has been reinstated after a nationwide backlash against direct mail, according to wire service reports.

  • Beckett Steps Up to the Plate

    Very often, people outgrow the things that seemed crucially important when they were kids: building models, collecting baseball cards, riding horses. Putting aside the question of whether that’s a good thing, the same can be said of companies: sVery often, people outgrow the things that seemed crucially important when they were kids: building models, collecting baseball cards, riding horses. Putting aside the question of whether that’s a good thing, the same can be said of companies: sometimes the platforms and features that served them well at start-up just don’t satisfy their needs as they mature: sometimes the platforms and features that served them well at start-up just don’t satisfy their needs as they mature.

  • Take Me Out to the Mail Game

    A few winters ago—in the wake of the New England Patriots Super Bowl win and the Red Sox World Series victory—a friend outside the marketing world asked me if the local teams’ good fortunes had any impact on direct marketing response rates in the region.

  • Peyton’s Place

    Here’s a bit of unsurprising news for Sunday afternoon television enthusiasts: Indiana Colts quarterback Peyton Manning is the National Football League’s “Most Marketable Player,” according to a survey of sports marketing and media executives.

  • Basic Black and Team Spirit

    The rivalry between New England and New York sports fans is well documented. If only because of where I was born (Rhode Island) and currently reside (Massachusetts), I’m part of Red Sox Nation.

  • Victory Lap

    For this winter’s Super Bowl XLI, Doritos is skipping the celebrity commercial route and inviting consumers to create their own ads celebrating their love of the tortilla chips.

  • Site Helps Moms Unload Unwanted Toys and Work at Home

    With two young boys and lots of spare toys cluttering up her house, Shetal Patel thought she’d create a Web site where other young mothers could sell toys and other products they no longer needed. She also sought to create an online community for young mothers.

  • Web Site Rents Out Fancy Purses

    Back in 2004, Kara Richter knew she wanted to start an online business and bring high fashion to the not-so-high income.

    She already knew it’s possible to rent things online as a friend of hers had started a Web site where golfers can rent out clubs.