Big Fat Marketing Blog

I Often Wonder…

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Do you, like me, often question things and have a hard time making sense of it all? * For instance, do you contemplate all the publicity-- before and after -- all the Super Bowl ads receive and wonder, why do so few people talk about the sales ...

Saving the USPS in Election Years

|  by Larry Riggs

What a difference a year makes. Back in Jan. 2009, mailer industry groups chafed at the idea of the U.S. Postal Service cutting out a mail delivery day as a means to save money. To see what they said then, click ...

Should Mailers Wait On Full-Service IMB?

|  by Jim Tierney

Many mailers have been leery of the Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) since the U.S. Postal Service began accepting mail bearing the new 65-bar barcode last May. Unanswered questions of cost and return on investment have hindered some from pursuing ...