Big Fat Marketing Blog

Experiential Marketing Intervention Part 1

***EXPERIENTIAL INTERVENTION Part 1*** The Implied Truths That Live Inside Of Experiential Marketing Methodology - Why Your Company Is Failing What You ...

Emails We Love (with Reservations): Rejuvenation

Emailing subscribers to let them know that a print catalog is in the mail may seem a bit redundant. But integrating your email and direct mail campaigns in this way can boost response and revenue. For instance, sending preview emails a few days before ...

Can Proposed Legislation Save the USPS?

|  by Jim Tierney

With so much postal talk these days, now comes proposed legislation from Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) titled the Postal Operations Sustainment and Transformation (POST) Act of 2010. Carper

For Sale: Female Students’ Backsides

KFC has found a new location for its ads: the backsides of college students (females only need apply). The girls wear sweatpants with

Going Postal? Watch This Video!

|  by Jim Tierney

When GOP strategist Jack Berkman suggested that the U.S. Postal Service is comprised of "unskilled Nigerians", the floodgates opened during a recent segment on FBN's "Money Rocks" program. When former New York Sen. Al D'Amato, a Republican, chimed in ...