Big Fat Marketing Blog

More Changes to the Rebate Rulebook

Over the years, running rebate programs has been a rough-and-tumble business. Consumers have pushed back on the complicated processes, states have acted to regulate rebate providers and brands have tried to make life easier for consumers looking for a ...

What I Learned from 3,192 Christmas Emails

While my friends and neighbors were dragging their Christmas trees to the curb, packing away their ornaments, and climbing their ladders to pull down their holiday lights, I was engaged in a different type of after-holiday cleanup: calculating how many ...

2010: The Year Social Media Died?

|  by Tim Parry

Boy, did ForeSee Results leave us with a doozy of a cliffhanger in the 2010 holiday edition of its E-Retail Satisfaction Index. If it's findings are right, social media, as a selling tool, is deal. The fail whale is beached. Ecommerce is ...

All I Want For Christmas is Alternative Payment Methods

|  by Tim Parry

I don't know if there's am acronym for Married Couple, Single Debit Card yet, but if I'm going to shop online for my wife's Christmas gift, I'm going to need to use Bill Me Later or PayPal so she doesn't know. My wife isn't sneaky, looking in closets for ...