Big Fat Marketing Blog

Yet Another Unworkable Postal Bill

|  by Larry Riggs

In the wake of the U.S. Postal Services announcement Wednesday that it would suspend payment of its obligation to cover retiree healthcare costs, /Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House oversight committee had another idea. He introduced a ...

PMG Donahoe the Eternal Optimist

|  by Jim Tierney

Postmaster General Pat Donahoe admits he's an eternal optimist. So much so that he firmly believes the U.S. Postal Service will emerge from its ongoing financial turmoil a leaner, more efficient and profitable agency. During the fourth annual National ...

Honey, I Shrunk the Superstore

|  by Tim Parry

The Big Box stores are getting smaller: Best Buy and Staples both announced this week that they are either shrinking the footprint of new store locations, or will sublet space in existing stores. This follows last week's announcement that both ...

Back to the Future with RadioShack Catalogs

|  by Tim Parry

Here's a cool find: an electronic version of just about every RadioShack catalog that's ever existed. I was surfing Google (if you can really surf Google) for artwork to go with this article on RadioShack winning customers with Foursquare when I came ...