Big Fat Marketing Blog

Say Goodbye to the King

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Burger King may have come around to some great (at the least better) marketing thinking: It is finally ditching those annoying commercials with the King. Football season just got a whole lot better. Here's the story from USA ...

Xerox and Their Lack of Customer Care

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

This is a story. It's about what happens when you get too big and lose site that it is your customers who have kept you in business and the ones that will determine your future business success. About three weeks ago I received a call from a local ...

Google Catalog Joins Crowded iPad App Field

|  by Tim Parry

And the number of vendors offering digital catalog apps has grown by one, albeit a huge one. Google has repurposed its catalog search tool as a catalog browsing app for the iPad, the search engine giant announced on its blog. Google's app joins a ...

Forbes: Good-bye Google Plus?

|  by Tim Parry

Just a quick read from, which claims it's time to write Google+'s obit: A Eulogy for Google Plus. What do you think? Dead on (pun intended) or premature ...

How Much do Nonprofits Need Premiums?

|  by Larry Riggs

Now that the New Year is fast approaching, a lot of 2012 and 16-month calendars from nonprofits are appearing in my mailbox. That got me to thinking: how useful premiums are for boosting donations? Certainly, the whole population must have become ...

The Must Have for Holiday 2011? Free Shipping

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Forget Cabbage Patch Dolls or Tickle-Me-Elmos. The biggest wish list item this coming holiday season for consumers will be free shipping. Panelists at eTail Boston earlier this week agreed that free shipping continues to be an enormous factor when it ...