Big Fat Marketing Blog

Ain’t No Big Thing This Holiday Season

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

With no trendy toy like Tickle Me Elmo to drive sales, retailers are having a tougher time than ever driving shoppers into stores. The Boston Globe has an interesting story on what the lack of one big "it" gift means to ...

The Real McPhee

|  by Melissa Dowling

Are you a fan of Archie McPhee? You probably are if you have a thing for stuff like rubber chickens, punching nun puppets, and bacon-flavored dental floss. And if you want to know how the novelties merchant got its start, you can read "Who Would Buy ...

Spam du Jour: I’ll Pass on the Grannies

|  by Tim Parry

Once in a while, spam makes it to my Yahoo inbox. Now in this case, it's spammers leaving messages within Yahoo Groups I belong to and haven't removed myself from, even though I haven't accessed the groups in umpteen years. Unless the spammers know ...

At Dinner, the Ladies Choose Barack over Brad

|  by Brian Quinton

Forty percent of women would choose Barack Obama as their ideal dinner companion. The president-elect beats out Brad Pitt, the dream dinner date of only 20% of women. But if Michelle Obama plans to tag along in that dress she wore election night, almost ...

ReGifted? What about ReSpoted?

You know things are tight when marketers start reusing old creative. It's a sign of the times, and a cost-saver for sure, and maybe not even a bad idea when you think about it. After all, clients get tired of the creative loooooooong before ...

Microsoft to the Rescue

Following up on my post yesterday about a critical security flaw in Internet Explorer that resulted in some experts telling people to stop using the browser for a while, Microsoft today released a patch for plugging the hole attackers have been using to ...

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

So, you're looking for a new place to advertise. Blink and you won't miss it. You'll find it. U.K.-based is offering people the chance to earn 10 pence per wink if they'll display the company's logo on their eyelids. The beauty site ...