Big Fat Marketing Blog

The Old Hidden Logo Trick

Finally a pro sport is running a promotion to drive viewership of a broadcast game. Reebok designed the jerseys being worn in the Winter Classic hockey game, being shown on NBC on New Year's Day. One of the jerseys is missing the Reebok logo; if you ...

Pro Bowl Looking for Relevance on the Mainland

|  by Tim Parry

Try as it may, the NFL can't get anyone to care about the Pro Bowl. It's run contests to send fans to the post-season game in Hawaii, its tried to sell replicas of the funkadelic game jerseys, it's even tried to refer to it as the NFL all-star game. ...

Has Burger King Given Up On Fat Guys?

|  by Tim Parry

Oh, what a sad morning it was for me, as I went to grab breakfast at my local Burger King. The 700-calorie Enormous Omelette was no longer on the menu. True, I've been sticking to the BK Bargains since well before the economy tanked, but sometimes you ...

Pepsi’s New Look

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Pepsi has a new look that they will boldly promote throughout Times Square and they seem to be stuck on a theme of optimism and the new tagline "refresh everything." I'm all for positive thinking, but is their timing a bit skewed? Will the newly "hip" ...

No Pulp, Please

My wife went to the grocery store yesterday and came home complaining that it took her an extra five minutes to go through all the varieties of Tropicana orange juice to find the one we usually buy

Outta Sight, Outta Mind

Now, more than ever, media coverage matters. Even though we supposedly control the flow of information we absorb, we still care most about what's being discussed on the air/blogs/podcasts/streams. I thought about that this morning when I read in the ...

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Advertising

The most dismal retail season in the past 40 years (according to the incessant slow-news-day reports I keep hearing) reminds me of what an old account guy told me many years ago: You can't save your way to prosperity. That sage advice is becoming more ...