Big Fat Marketing Blog

Social Media Hits “The Office” Wedding Episode

|  by Tim Parry

There are a lot of people who feel "The Office" has jumped the shark (The American version, in case Sherry Chiger is reading this in jolly ol' England!). Even those people probably tuned in last night to watch the wedding episode ("Niagara") had to admit ...

Bloggers: Disclose Your Relationships Or Else

|  by Tim Parry

I wrote this piece yesterday for Multichannel Merchant about updated Federal Trade Commission guidelines that will force bloggers who receive swag or cash in exchange of a blog post to disclose their relationship with product or service. And after I ...

You Paid WHAT For That?

There's an Ad Age survey out this week revealing the hourly rates of ad agency people, showing that Top NY Creatives are charging clients $750 an hour. I guess the recession hasn't crossed over the Hudson yet. Here in the real world, clients have ...

Kids Need Deodorant, But Will They Take It?

|  by Tim Parry

My hobby/freelance work took me to the U.S. Army All-American Bowl's jersey presentation tour yesterday, where Stamford (CT) High School linebacker Khairi Fortt was announced as a member of the high school All-American team (today they go up the road to ...

Nick Does Cable Rebranding Right

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

As Moose A. Moose might say, "Hip hip hooray! They did it in a great way!" If you don't have a toddler in your house, chances are you're not familiar with Mr. Moose's work. He's the mascot of Nick Jr., Nickelodeon's newly rebranded preschooler cable ...

Political Costs of the USPS

|  by Larry Riggs

President Barack Obama signed a measure last week to give the U.S Postal Service $4 billion worth of breathing room for the next year. The measure just barely got through, according to some reports. For our industry this is a good thing. It means ...