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HSBC Hails a Cab

The HSBC Group hopes to drive home its positioning as "the world's local bank" in a New York City cab. The Manhattan-based bank ran a May contest to crown

Dannon Digs Sand Soccer

The Dannon Co. will sample new Light 'N Fit Smoothies among sand soccer players and fans as co-sponsor of the Sand Soccer U.S. Open in Virginia Beach,

Maine to Track Marketing Spending on Drugs

Maine is close to enacting a law that will require drug companies to disclose how much they spend on marketing. Legislators approved the bill last week,

Father Knows Best

NOW THAT THE MUSHY flowers-and-candy Mother's Day season has passed, it's time to break out the power tools for Father's Day. The Hallmark Channel is

Spears and Skechers Settle Lawsuits

Skechers USA has settled mutual breach of contract lawsuits with Britney Spears, Sketchers said yesterday. Details of the settlement were not revealed.

Taken to Other Side

How do you reposition a cable TV network that speaks largely to Americans who believe in aliens and the fifth dimension? For starters, exploit RoperASW