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Puppies and Babies in Ads Tug at Heart Strings

The next time you think about what to include in your ads, see if you can fit in some puppies or babies. According to a recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive for Adweek Media, puppies and babies draw positive reactions when seen in ads.

Selling Air

Those who do, do. Those who can't, teach. It's a line that has stuck with us for more than a decade and a half and has worked its way into an article or two over the years. We first heard it from someone...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Voluntary Identity Theft

The other day, we had a phone call with someone that does what every successful performance marketer looks forward to doing - investing in others. On the surface, it sounds like such a fun job...

Android Continues Surge, Browser and App Usage Up

According to the latest figures from comScore, there are 15 percent more smartphone users in the U.S. during the three months ending September compared to the three-month period ending June, and Google continues to gobble up market share.

Apples to Apples and Acai to Acai

Arbitrage is driven on traffic, and cpa network revenues are for a large part driven by the successful acquisition of traffic. Sometimes, you don't need new publishers or new advertisers. Sometimes, you need new traffic.