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The Auto Insurance Lead Crisis Part 2

Last week, we talked about a growing issue within the auto insurance lead generation market. The crisis as we describe is the influx of fraudulent leads into the system, but not just a small number. These fraudulent leads are like a denial of service attack on those who sell leads to agents directly. A group…

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Auto Insurance Liquidity Crisis

Sometimes we hear about craziness in an industry, and it's almost too complex to cover. The details make you scratch your head and want to keep asking questions. And, when you finally think you understand what is going on, you realize that you...

FTC Plans to Update Dot Com Disclosure Guidance

Digital advertising and marketing is constantly evolving. "Eleven years ago, mobile marketing was just a vision, there was not an "App" economy, the use of "pop-up blockers" was not widespread, and online social networking was nowhere as...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Android Increases Lead Over iOS, More Consumers Access Retail Content This Year

According to the latest figures from comScore, Google's Android smartphone OS increased its lead over the competition in the three months ending in April. A separate report from Millennial Media shows a significant boost in the number of consumers who are accessing retail content through their mobile...