Articles by

Shameless Plug – Daily Deal Summit West 2011

All this talk of the daily deal space has reminded us that we have not had a proper shameless plug in quite some time - no solo emails, no major plugs in articles, or the like. Well, it's time to rectify that. We expect to see you two weeks from today in San...

Potential Mobile Purchasers Are Receptive to Mobile Ads

A report from Experian Simmons found that more than half of smartphone owners have accessed the Internet with their phones in the last 30 days. It also found that mobile phones are becoming an important shopping tool.

Too Big to Fail or Too Big to Succeed

Talk of a bubble has faded somewhat. It's still not far from people's minds, but something in the discourse has shifted. Companies are still seeing tremendous valuations, from the billion dollar Airbnb out west to ZocDoc out east, acquisitions...

Facebook, Twitter and Blogger Are Most Popular Social Media Sites Used by Companies

Aggregating data from the likes of Simply Zesty, Pingdom and Google, Search Engine Journal offered a neat visual overview of the social media landscape in an infographic titled "The Growth of Social Media." Among the many tidbits of information is a listing of the most popular social media sites utilized by...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Paid Search Is on the Rebound in the Q3 2011

"NFL football players and team owners are back to playing, children are back at school, and paid search marketers are back to buying keywords," writes Craig Macdonald, chief marketing officer and vice president of products for Covario. The company projects that paid search will rebound in the third...