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Make the Most of Your Clicks: Three Tactics

By Sam Sim, Co-Founder, Guppy Media It's crucial for performance/direct-response-based marketing that you adequately and thoroughly manage your overall click-to-conversion rates and earnings per click (EPC). Oftentimes, advertisers and networks have a tendency to get frustrated when there are substantial clicks within a certain time period but the actual conversion rate of the CPA-paying campaign…

Case Study: How Marketo Uses SlideShare for Inbound Marketing and Lead Generation

Jason Miller, social media strategist and content marketing evangelist at Marketo, shares how his company uses SlideShare in their content marketing strategy. “No longer can a marketing professional rely solely on white papers and blog posts to get their message to prospective buyers and customers,” he writes. “It’s now vital to include a visual element…

Five Tactics to Boost Opt-in Rates

First things first: If your offer isn’t right for someone or if it plain stinks, your opt-in rate isn’t going to be magically propped up with a few tricks. But if you have a good offer and qualified traffic, maybe these five tactics can help: 1) match the offer with the medium; 2) offer less…

Twitter Launches a Profiles Directory

Twitter has quietly launched a directory of user profiles. A link for “Directory” is visible on the bottom of Twitter’s home page (if you’re logged out). The alphabetical directory allows people to search by drilling down into ranges of names and includes non-Latin character names. The link to the directory also seems to appear intermittently…

Groupon Releases Point-of-Sale App Breadcrumb for the iPad

Groupon purchased Breadcrumb, a point-of-sale (POS) app for restaurants, bars and cafes, four months ago. After a pilot in New York City, Groupon is launching Breadcrumb as an iPad app to offer these businesses a simple POS solution. Businesses that sign up for Breadcrumb will get a Breadbox, which includes an iPad, iPad stand, cash…

Email Marketers Should Segment Audiences, Send Campaigns During the Evening This Holiday Season

A report titled “Consumer Online Behavior Report: Developing Informed Digital Marketing Strategies for Holiday Success” was recently published by Yesmail Interactive. It highlights many insights and pieces of advice for marketers this holiday season, including a finding that email promotions viewed on mobile devices have driven more than 4 in 10 mobile device owners to…

Groupon Continues to Be in Acquisition Mode

Despite its difficulties since hitting the stock market, Groupon remains hungry for startups to acquire. In the first nine months of 2012, the daily-deals giant acquired eight venture-backed companies, making it more active than Facebook. Groupon’s senior vice president of corporate development said the company is focused on purchasing companies that help it improve and…

Google Search Ads on Top of Results Draw More Volume, Higher CTR Than Ads on the Side

Sometimes Google displays paid search ads above its organic listings for a certain search, only to display paid ads to the side of those same listings later in the day. But when an advertiser runs an average-position report, they won’t see the difference between the two placements. Google offers a report to help advertisers understand…

Facebook Is Testing a ‘Want’ Button With Retailers

Earlier reports about a “want” button on Facebook have finally been substantiated. The social network is working with retailers in a test of a feature called “collections,” which will enable users to create wish lists of products, including home furnishings and clothing. Victoria’s Secret and Pottery Barn are among seven retailers in the test, which…