
  • News, the Broken Variety: Dick Cash

    This episode of Broken News is brought to you by our trusted industry insider, Cauldron Larynx. Cauldron utilizes deep knowledge, deeper skills and deepest relationships to make up the most breaking and relevant news in the Affiliate Marketing sector.

  • LinkValu urges its Affiliates to ‘Get Active in August!’ with launch of new bonus plan.

    In the world of performance marketing the most effective tool networks can use to invigorate traffic to websites is cold hard cash. LinkValu Affiliate Network – has announced a promotion to its affiliates for the month of August 2007…

  • Online Performance Marketing Leader PartnerWeekly Reaches Offer Diversification Milestone

    PartnerWeekly, a company specializing in performance-based marketing, announced today that it has achieved a milestone in its strategy to diversify the base of sub-prime…

  • Smaller Advertisers Shifting Spending Online Put Focus on Local and Geographic Search, According to OrangeSoda Inc

    OrangeSoda Inc., a marketing and technology company that empowers businesses with smaller advertising budgets to maximize their online presence, has found that interest in local Internet search has skyrocketed…

  • Wikia Search Engine Picking Up Steam With Grub

    Last Friday, Wikipedia founder and Wikia co-founder Jimmy Wales announced that Wikia had acquired Grub, a Web crawler that utilizes unused computer processing time on users’ computers to crawl the Internet’s pages. Users can…

  • E-Mail is Addicting

    AOL’s third annual “E-Mail Addiction” survey shows that e-mail has seeped into just about every crevice of our lives, including our vacations.

  • WWE, Yahoo Take Leader Positions in June

    According to the latest comScore Media Metrix numbers, the WWE Web site was the top gaining property from May to June 2007, while Yahoo! maintained its leadership position in the list of top 50 overall Web properties for June.

  • Online Video Watchers Are Viral

    According to recent numbers released by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, nearly one in five Americans watch online videos on any given day. Their activity does not stop with viewing, however. Many of them forward their…

  • Guilty By Association

    As a fan of the Simpsons, if I were to head to the movies right now, I would see that, or perhaps Transformers, except that it might no longer play in one of the nicer cineplex theaters. Perhaps, I’d start with the…

  • Valueclick and the Future of Incentive Promotion

    A little more than two months ago, Valueclick announced an inquiry into their lead generation practices by the FTC. As required by securities law, the company filed a Form 8-K acknowledging the receipt of a letter of…