A new portal and search engine, MyWay.com, went live today. The site will have no banners or pop-up advertisements.
Instead, it will earn revenue through sponsored listings. Later, the New York-based company will add classified, real estate and travel listings.
The tagline beneath the company name at the top of the site reads: “No Banners. No pop ups. No kidding.”
“What was once hailed as the information superhighway is now more like the expressway at rush hour,” said Jonas Steinman, founder and My Way co-CEO, in a statement. “My Way is blazing a new path. It’s giving the Internet back to the user.”
Free to users, MyWay.com features search and directory capabilities, along with news, weather, movie listings and updates on celebrities. My Way partners include Google, AP, Reuters, The New York Times, MSNBC, CBS News, The Weather Channel and Standard & Poors.
The company statement announcing the site