The Auto Insurance Lead Crisis Part 2

Last week, we talked about a growing issue within the auto insurance lead generation market. The crisis as we describe is the influx of fraudulent leads into the system, but not just a small number. These fraudulent leads are like a denial of service attack on those who sell leads to agents directly. A group…

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Search Landscape Holds Steady in May, Google Making Moves

The latest U.S. search figures from comScore are out, and they’'re not all that astonishing. The search landscape remained virtually unchanged in May from April, though the leader of the pack is making moves that aren’t reflected in these numbers.

Mobile Ads Need to Work on Building Trust

According to a report recently released by Nielsen, mobile ads lag far behind other forms of advertising when it comes to trustworthiness. Nevertheless, mobile ads are growing in popularity and importance, and are finding their way into more mobile apps.

New Verticals – The Lead Gen Chicken and Egg

It’s not as though we don't spend enough time thinking about the lead gen world. Writing about it, though, has us thinking of it even more. This, in addition to the countless conversations we have during the week with companies related to the space. In so...

Reputation, Not Content, Key To E-mail Deliverability: Study

If marketing e-mails aren't reaching targets' in-boxes, message content may be the least of the reason. According to a new study from Return Path, the reputation of a sending server's IP address and whether messages hit spam traps or other invalid e-mailboxes are key determinants for e-mail deliverability.

Giveaways are Mainstays for Banana Boat Promo

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The Banana Boat brand is using branded giveaways as reminders this summer, not only to protect your skin from the sun, but that the best way to do that would be by slathering Banana Boat sun screen up and down your body. The promotion, “101 Days of Summer,” appears on the Banana Boat Facebook page…