2009 Promo Industry Trends Report

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

In a year challenged by battering economic conditions and skittish consumers, marketers are hanging on. Promo’s annual report reveals that even though most categories experienced decelerating growth in 2009, spending was projected to grow, even if ever so slightly, for P-O-P, coupons, loyalty programs, sampling and games, contests and sweepstakes. Two trouble spots were premiums and licensing, which experienced significant declines. Overall spending on these consumer promotions was projected to dip -0.7% to $45.8 billion for 2009, according to the VSS Communications Industry Forecast.

Another bright spot, branded entertainment — which includes event sponsorship and marketing, paid product placement and advergaming and Webisodes — was forecast to grow 3.6% in 2009 to $22 billion, VSS said. The Promo report also takes a look at other categories used by promotion marketers, including social and mobile marketing, e-mail and direct mail.

This year, promotion will continue to benefit from the move away from mass media and advertising to alternative strategies that target consumers where and when they prefer.

For the full details across channels, see below.


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