Emails We Love: Subject Lines that Get the Job Done

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros

The December holidays are over. It’s a new year and everyone is back to business—including email marketers, who seem to be all business with subject lines getting right to the point. Percent off offer subject line are the norm in my inbox, although a few marketers are trying to stand out. Here’s a sampling.

clinique“If you love our golden genius, try this.” (Clinique)
I guessed correctly that they were referring to their Dramatically Different moisturizing lotion, only because it was the first yellow Clinique product that came to mind. It’s a catchy phrase to link to one of the their marquee offerings, but if you search for “golden genius” without Clinique the cosmetics maker doesn’t pop up until the second page results. (Interestingly, the article that appears is on Yahoo! Sports Singapore, of all places.)

joyous-mask“Step Up and Get Fit | Become a Mask Mixologist with this Trio” (Joyous)
The deal site gets points for hitting readers with two options designed to reach women who want to change their health or beauty regimen in 2014. The “mask mixologist” line immediately suggests engagement and action and piques interest. And as always, Joyous gets points for directing shoppers right to an informative video illustrating the benefits of the product.

ann-taylor“DRESS FOR IT + Enjoy 40% Off!” (Ann Taylor)
Yeah, yeah, I know this one features a % off pitch. But I immediately opened this because I wanted to know what it was and how I should dress for it. (Right now, “it” is the cold so dressing means layers….and then more layers, topped by another layer.) In Ann Taylor’s view, “it” is something more stylish and chic than jeans, three shirts and a blanket, and that’s pretty appealing.

nordstrom-bag“Your Spring Handbag Has Arrived (And It’s Under 200!) (Nordstrom)
Oh, thank the stars! My winter handbag is so worn out I’m coloring in the bottom of it with a black Sharpie so no one notices how scuffed it is! As noted above, baby, it’s cold outside, so invoking thoughts of warmer weather is pretty smart.

“Just for Today: 20% Off All Wreaths —Don’t Miss It!” (Williams-Sonoma)
Another %-off  subject line, yes. It did get me to open, but for the wrong reasons. It seemed like it was an odd post-Christmas sale. (Who buys their wreath in January?) I opened the email only to williams-wreathbe greeted by a beautiful shot of a colorful herb wreath that was very spring like. Considering the current dreary arctic state of much of the country, the fact that these wreaths will brighten your home seems like something to shout about.

What emails have you loved recently? Let me know at [email protected] or @CMBethNegus.


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